About 2018-07-09T22:50:11+00:00

Drugnet Enterprises is a community-based company headquartered in Baltimore, MD that develops and markets educational products designed for the prevention of substance abuse through early intervention.

Drugnet Products

Our products are designed to encourage and make it easier for children and young adults to learn and retain information about dangerous drugs and the negative consequences of their use. Drugnet products are designed with repetitive messages to help build powerful images in their minds and imagination, regardless of age, that create the internal strength to resist the promotion of drug abuse in their neighborhood environments, and which have the potential of lasting for a lifetime.

Primary Goal

Drugnet’s primary goal is to develop innovative products, activities, and approaches that can influence the entire family and community with outside-the- box ideas that can save lives, keep our youth safe, and construct internal messages that are a continuous reminder to stay Drug Free.

However, Drugnet Enterprises is a multi-dimensional company that not only focuses on community issues and needs related to substance abuse, but also financial literacy, which it believes to be a key element in becoming and remaining Drug Free. Understanding how to create and manage even a modest level of wealth can substantially reduce the poverty, hopelessness, and low self-esteem that often motivates the turn towards drugs for relief,
and builds a firm foundation for financial sufficiency and stability through life.

While Drugnet Enterprises is the result of the insight and dedication of founder and developer Richard Van Dyke, it also draws from the professional expertise of educators and child development specialists as well as the experience of parents and community leaders in the design and testing of its products and approaches.

Our Story

A father and successful businessman, Richard A. Van Dyke established Drugnet Enterprises in 1989 to address the need to educate children of all ages on the dangers of drugs.  Witnessing first-hand the impact of drug abuse in his own neighborhood, Richard became increasingly troubled by a disturbing trend – drug dealers were all too often becoming role models for young children and were being
elevated to the status of “local hero.”

His concern for today’s youth propelled him to develop techniques and products to address this issue in unique and innovative ways that educate and entertain our youngest.  Over time, the mission to promote awareness of the dangers of drugs and other harmful substances to children at an early age became clear, and for more than 25 years Richard has engaged in multiple efforts to improve the health and well-being of young people throughout the state of Maryland.  The effectiveness of his work to curb poor outcomes among at-risk youth has been formally recognized by the Secretary of Higher Education for The Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Drugnet Enterprises continues to give parents, teachers, and other advocates the necessary tools to help keep children safe from substance abuse. The products developed by Drugnet Enterprises employ an “edutainment” approach, including the Drug-Free Sing-A- Long CD, Storybook, and Activity Book featuring the star of Drugnet Enterprises, Drug-Free Charlie. Although the prevention of drug abuse is the primary focus of Drugnet Enterprises,
we endeavor to promote a holistic approach that includes and embraces healthy habits such as regular exercise, good nutrition, and proper hygiene that lead to overall well-being of young people and position them to thrive as adults.

Richard A. VanDyke

Product Developer

Nontraditional Drug Abuse Prevention Specialist, and Business Owner.  Along with full-time management of his sub-contracting drywall company for over 25 years, Richard is also the proud owner of Drugnet Enterprises, through which he develops his nontraditional drug abuse prevention concepts into products and services to help other people.  Richard’s first product and service, The Drug Free Millionaire Program, was designed to encourage young children and teens to stay drug free and save money.  Richard’s second product was the Drug Awareness Flash Card Set, which was licensed to World Class Learning Materials in Baltimore, Maryland.  

Now Richard is promoting The Drug Free Charlie Program, designed to help children on the pre-K and early elementary levels to learn about Drug-Free Charlie and sing the Drug-Free Charlie songs. Richard loves the satisfaction that children and young adults receive from working with and learning from the various products he has developed to help children and young adults learn the consequences of drug abuse and practical strategies to remain drug free.  He often says, “I have learned as a concerned citizen you can really make a difference in people’s lives.”

Jeffrey L. Walker

Program Specialist, Mentor Trainer, Youth Developer

Full-time Program Manager at Latin American Youth Center where he oversees multiple grant-funded projects. Jeffrey studied Criminal Justice at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania and completed several internships as a Detention Officer and Juvenile Probation Officer for the City of Philadelphia in 2010. Jeffrey began his career as a Prevention Counselor at the Anti-Violence Partnership of Philadelphia. Working on the front lines of those challenges, he managed a school-based program for students providing services such as facilitating a 16-week anti-violence curriculum, student counseling, and trauma therapy for students affected by violence.  He has a deep understanding of counseling, trauma-informed care, mentoring, and positive youth development. Jeffrey brings his expertise in working with diverse populations and research-based intervention and prevention approaches to enhance Drugnet Enterprises’ products and services.

Dr. Deborah Louis

Independent Contractor, Microenterprise Trainer, Substance Abuse and Public Policy Specialist, Business and Nonprofit Services Provider, College Professor

Deborah holds an interdisciplinary PhD from Rutgers University in Human and Social Development and Behavior, and in an NIH post-doctoral fellowship at Rutgers’ Center for Alcohol Studies’ conducted precedent-setting research that linked later substance use/abuse behaviors to early childhood experience in the immediate social setting.  In the early 70s she served as liaison between the NYC Commission on Human Rights and Mayor John Lindsay’s Drug Abuse Task Force. Deborah currently develops and teaches interdisciplinary courses online for Eastern Kentucky University’s College of Justice & Safety, is currently writing a book on the way public policy influences parenting resources and behavior, and has served as a continuing consultant to Drugnet Enterprises as it has evolved through the years.